I need advice


So we have my step son 50/50. We live about 45mins from his mother. We pick him up every Wednesday at 4:30pm. We are always on time if we aren’t we are early or maybe 5-10mins late but communicate with her if we are running behind but that rarely happens. When it comes time for her to pick him up she is constantly late. I’m not talking 5-10mins. She’s 30mins or an hour or sometimes even more. She also doesn’t even pick him up sometimes due to not having gas money which has been her latest excuse time after time. Sometimes we meet her to make it easier for her but we are constantly helping her and bending over backwards for her. We have even had to cancel plans or be late to things due to her not picking him up on time or in some cases I’ve had to take off work due to not having a sitter for him since she didn’t pick him up on her time. The problem isn’t us keeping him longer it’s the fact she’s always late and we can never plan things. We have tried to talk to her about it but it’s always our fault and she tells us how terrible we are being to her. I’m just out of ideas on how to go about it all. I want to get along but also don’t want to be taken advantage of since we are always the ones driving him out there or meeting or keeping him a week longer. Again no problem keeping him longer it’s just frustrating when there can never be an actual pick up time on time. Any advice?