First baby appt

UPDATE: The only thing the doctor did was have me pee in a cup and the pregnancy was confirmed that way. No bloodwork, no ultrasounds, no pap or STD panel. I had to take off work early and drive two hours to get there, all for them to confirm with urine which I have already done several times at home. I only have tribal insurance so until my insurance through my work starts in October, there’s nowhere else I can go because it’s too expensive to pay out of pocket. I’m so disheartened.

Tomorrow is my first baby appointment. According to my apps, I will be 7w1d but the first day of my last period was 6/30/22, making me 6w6d tomorrow. My cycle is 26 days long.

Anyways. What should I expect to happen at this appt? What questions should I be asking? Any tips/advice would be much appreciated!