She's here!

Brandy • 👶9/4/22💕 🧑‍🦰12/23/14💙

My September baby became an August baby. Had to be induced because of hypertension. My numbers were staying around 130/140 over 80/90 and I was beginning to get vision changes and headaches so they induced me at 37+3 to avoid preeclampsia. Started Wednesday night at 8pm with Cervidil to ripen my cervix. I was only 1.5cm and 0% effaced. Cervidil sucks. It's scratchy and rough and it causes cramps/contractions so I had to get an Ambien to get any sleep. Got a solid 4 hours 😅 by 8am Thursday morning I was 3cm and only 20% effaced so they started me on Pitocin at 9:30am. At 10am I opted to get an epidural bc the contractions were pretty horrible. Big mistake. Not only did I almost faint and had to basically snort an ammonia capsule to keep from blacking out, the epidural just wasn't going to plan. The first catheter filled with blood so he tried again. The second one filled with blood so he tried a third time and it finally worked. What they don't tell you is that placing the catheter freaking HURTS. I nearly passed out before they even did a practice push of epidural. 20 minutes after the epidural my BP tanked. I went from being hypertensive numbers to having 90s/50s 😬 they had to keep pushing efedrine to keep me from fainting. It's a synthetic form of adrenaline so after 6 doses I had an tachycardic episode with a heart rate of 198bpm. We decided to turn off the epidural to get my BPs balanced bc I couldn't have anymore efedrine. Eventually I stabilized at 12pm. I was 4cm dilated and 50% effaced. At 2pm they restarted the epidural at the lowest level, not enough to even really work, just enough to see how my body reacted to it. No reaction so they turned it up a little. Zero pain relief. Epidural needs to be between 8-11cc for relief and they were pushing me at 4cc. The anesthesiologist took too long to come back to bump me up to 6cc. At 4pm I was 7cm and my body was pushing involuntarily. 15 minutes later I was 10cm and 100% effaced and was telling my nurses I could feel her head in the birth canal. They didn't believe me til they checked and sure enough she was already halfway here! My OB barely arrived in time. 1 and a half push later she was out. Definitely my last baby but I can see why women opt to skip the epidural now lol.

💖Kimberly Brystol💖

6lb 8oz 20inches