Feeling abit stuck


Me and my husband have 2 beautiful children (3 and 18m) I have always wanted more and we finally had a conversation last night about this.

I have always said if we have another we do it before I am 30. Nothing wrong with children after 30 but we’ve had our babies young so I wouldn’t want to start over again. I then 30 in 2 years.

My idea was to start trying now, not proper trying so no tracking opks etc but just no contraception as who knows how long it will take.

My husband said he is a no currently but said we can discuss again at christmas. I just can’t see how he will change his mind, it’s not something which just changes surely.

I just feel sad as I don’t want to hold out till Christmas with hope and the answer still be a no. Feeling abit stuck and sad, I know it will be okay but just feeling meh 😫