Night 2


Should I take my toddler to the hospital now or in the morning?

He has no fever and no symptoms of feeling sick in any way but he’s throwing up in the middle of the night. The moment I fell asleep, he threw up all over my face and body at random and all the way to the bathroom. He threw up everything in his system that he had the day before. This happened the night before as well. No fever, super playful and happy.. just at night! It started the night of his birthday and he was in a bath with dr teals sleep bubble bath solution because he was in the rain for maybe five minutes watching his daddy catch frogs for him(had umbrellas) and we wanted to make sure to give him a bath so he wouldn’t get sick.

There was never a time that he was sick and didn’t have a fever so I’m not sure what’s going on and I have no one at this hour of the night to talk to. Has anyone ever had this issue before? I’m taking him in the morning but this is making me sick to my stomach knowing he’s not okay..