Potty training advice

Jordan • Baby girl 2020💗~ Baby girl 2022💗 ~ Baby boy June 2024💙

We are in the process of attempting to potty train our almost 2.5 year old daughter. She seems to fully understand the potty and the process of it as I’ll take her with me when I use the restroom so that she knows the process however when you ask her if she has to go potty or tell her let’s go sit on the potty she always says no or refuses. We of course still take her anyway and will sit with her for about 15 minutes before taking her off and she then will have an accident like 5 minutes later. I’ve noticed it seems like she’s holding it until she’s no longer on the potty.

Although she seems to understand the process I’m starting to wonder if maybe she’s not fully ready to take on the potty because she seems so against it and is seeming to hold her pee until she’s off the toilet. Do you think she still might not be ready (and if so what we’re some signs that you knew your child was ready) or do you think she’s ready and we should just keep trying? Any advice would be appreciated!