Potty training advice

Jordan • Baby girl 2020💗~ Baby girl 2022💗 ~ Baby boy 2024💙

We are in the process of attempting to potty train our almost 2.5 year old daughter. She seems to fully understand the potty and the process of it as I’ll take her with me when I use the restroom so that she knows the process however when you ask her if she has to go potty or tell her let’s go sit on the potty she always says no or refuses. We of course still take her anyway and will sit with her for about 15 minutes before taking her off and she then will have an accident like 5 minutes later. I’ve noticed it seems like she’s holding it until she’s no longer on the potty.

Although she seems to understand the process I’m starting to wonder if maybe she’s not fully ready to take on the potty because she seems so against it and is seeming to hold her pee until she’s off the toilet. Do you think she still might not be ready (and if so what we’re some signs that you knew your child was ready) or do you think she’s ready and we should just keep trying? Any advice would be appreciated!

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Maybe a reward would help. My son used a sticker chart for pee and another for poop(which took longer and more effort). Once he filled in all the spots with stickers, he would get a surprise. He earned it and liked working towards that goal. But having said that, just because she has seen the process and seems to understand doesn’t mean she has put the connection together with how to do all of that with her own body. She may just not be quite ready and that’s ok. Sometimes waiting a month can make all the difference. I would suggest you talk with her about it a lot. Everybody pees and poos for starters and then become more specific later as she becomes more actively participating in the conversations. My son tried the first time when he was 2 years old. He wasn’t ready. We tried again at about 2.5 and he still wasn’t ready and the pressure was becoming a negative for him. So we backed off and just talked about it instead. We made a really big move and decided at the same time as so many changes, we would try at 3. Took him one day and he was potty trained. Poop took alittle longer. Our reward charts helped a lot.


Jordan • Aug 21, 2022
Thank you!


R • Aug 21, 2022
She’ll surprise you one day when she tells you she wants to use the potty or she will just go by herself and shock you! I think talking about it a lot helped us. My son had a friend that was going through the process right before him so that helped him to have someone to talk about and really make the conversation more relatable. I think it’s a good idea to wait. It will happen soon. Good luck!


Jordan • Aug 21, 2022
Thank you for the advice! We did a reward chart for her but I don’t think she quite understood it and because she never actually went on the potty we never even got a sticker on the chart. This morning when we went to try she started crying saying “no thank you” and “she wasn’t ready to try.” I still had her sit down and she cried the whole time. With that being said I’m going to go with my mommy instinct and wait another month or so, I don’t think she’s quite there yet and I don’t want to traumatize her or make it into a negative experience so that she never wants to go! Thanks so much for the reassurance that she may not be quite ready yet!


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Maybe when you go for a pee it might be a good idea to put her on the potty then and she might copy you, that’s what my mum did with me anyway


Jordan • Aug 20, 2022
Thank you, I might have to try that!


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And don’t give in. Talk about what a big kid,


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If she’s holding it like that then I think I 100% she is ready. Try not asking just saying it’s time to go and making sure it’s at times like right when you wake up, right before nap time (if nap) and meals etc. try even a small treat like smarties every time she uses the toilet and big celebration every time something happens. My first refused toBe potty trained and would pee her pants on purpose and I had her start helping to clean up.


Jordan • Aug 20, 2022
Thank you!