Painful/swollen ankle

I'm 28 weeks & 3 days. For the past couple days i noticed my left ankle feels like there's so much pressure & it burns a lot. my ankle just hurts the entire time & the pain radiates to my feet & sometimes up my leg. I am pregnant with a big baby he's in the 95th percentile & the last time i saw my OB she said he's borderline of being "too big". The pain in my ankle hurts like heck!! I drink a lot of water so I'm not dehydrated, i keep my feet up as well but it hurts!! It's just in one ankle. The ankle can also burn I'm not sure if this is normal?? I have to do my 1 hour glucose test on Monday. I been thirsty a lot as well I'm not sure if that plays a part?? Also, lately i been having a lot of cramping but it happens at night & it can last for an hour or two. It's like my stomach will feel so upset that the cramps are unbearable & it makes me use the bathroom but when i use the bathroom & time pass i still have painful cramps .. then it goes away a hour or two later. Should i bring this up to my OB? I know some swelling is normal & i hear it can be Braxton Hicks? Thank you!!❤️❤️