Co-parenting and sleeping issues



So my hubby and I have a toddler and we also have his daughter 50% of the time (she’s also a toddler)… our kids are super close in age so we figured w another baby coming that we could combine the toddlers into one room. Soooo fast forward 5-6 months and we struggle with nap time and bed time most nights when we have both kids. My stepdaughter seems to not want to sleep so she keeps her brother up and then we all suffer. We aren’t super rigid parents by any means but we do like to adhere to a general nap/bedtime schedule over here. I know at moms there’s a lot of moving parts as she has 3 other kids with two different dads and schedules, family members helping her out, and a back and fourth situation w her youngest baby’s dad. So between everyone it seems like my stepdaughter is bouncing between 3 homes on mom’s watch and then we have our house with a sleepover at my in laws home 2-3 times a month. I do not by any means want to start pointing the finger and blaming mom as to why we are having issues with her sleeping (also delays on potty training and some sharing/behavior issues) because I know every child is different but it just seems like our son is so much more calm and easier to work with. It’s almost like she’s in so many places that this could be stress related?

Has anyone gone through this and if so what did you do to help resolve this?