

Last night I could tell my 9 month old wasn’t being herself so I took her temp and it was 101.5. Took her a shower and gave her Moltrin and it seemed to bring it down. She has been active and eating. Throughout the night fever came back up so I tried to give her Tylenol and she projectile vomited all over. She has never done that with Tylenol before. After that I gave her another bottle and she threw it up too. She was kinda fussy through the night but fell asleep and this morning she has not thrown up her bottle but isn’t eating as much. Fever comes up and down but has not (thankfully) gone up more than 101.9. She hasn’t been super fussy other than yesterday night after she threw up. Anyone else deal with this? Is it a virus? A bug? She tested negative for Covid. Will be calling her pedi tomorrow