4.5 month old difficult sleeper

My 4.5 month old daughter cries every single time we put her down for a nap and her bedtime. For naps, we go the room, check diaper, sleep sack, turn on sound machine and close the lights. When I start putting her sleep sack on she most likely will start crying. I have to rocker and pat her for her to calm down and eventually she will fall asleep but most times she will cry and fuss.

For bed, we have a routine, bath, nurse, pj's, book, swaddle, sound machine, lights then rock her a bit before we put her down awake. We have been trying to do gentle sleep training and putting her down awake and trying to soothe her while she is in her crib. It has been 7 days and I don't see much improvement. She cries so much I have to pick her up and soothe her while rocking her a bit before try again. We started to sleep train so we can get longer stretches of sleep. The most in weeks she has slept in one stretch was close to 7 hours. Any suggestions on other types of gentle training.