Weird discharge, Should I be concerned ??

I’m so sorry this is going to be TMI but I don’t really have anyone else to ask as we still haven’t told anyone we’re expecting 😬

So yesterday I went pee and noticed some brown discharge in my underwear- not a lot at all but definitely there. When I wiped I had pink tinged discharge. Naturally I freaked out a little bit and kept a close eye on it. I didn’t have anything but some clear discharge for the rest of the night and most of today. A little earlier I noticed a little more brown discharge in my underwear and the same when I wiped. Again, it’s not a lot so I’m just trying to keep a close eye on it. But what’s really kind of got me freaking out is I just went to the bathroom and my underwear was full of thick mucus like discharge. Is this something I need to call my provider about?? I’m a little crampy but that may just be normal growing pains. Also I may just be thinking too much into it. We lost our last baby right after 12 weeks and the miscarriage started with some light bleeding so I might just be freaking myself out. I’m 11 weeks today. Any advice would be much appreciated! ❤️