Kindergarten is differentt than I remember?!

My son is going to kindergarten now! To my surprise it’s nothing like the kindergarten I remember. He does, science, social studies, math and other classes. It felt like a lot more than we did when I was little. This might sound terrible of me saying but as a parent I’m expected to provide snacks for the ENTIRE class once a week and all of the school stuff I provided went to the teachers community bucket. Which is fine, but I didn’t know this. Weekly we are also expected to provide different things. As a family who doesn’t have a ton of extra money, I thought I was providing what my child needed and not what others needed too. Plus school is now all day instead of half days and it feels like so much. Everytime I open my email there’s something new I have to buy to supply the students. We are a family of 5 now and it feels like too much to expect. I don’t expect the teacher to buy everything, but why aren’t the schools more funded?? Why are we paying taxes for schools for them not to get everything they could need instead of putting the pressure on parents and onto the teacher??