Inducing labor naturally? I’ve tried everything!

Let me start by saying I’m 40+ weeks.

My husband is in the military and he will only be home for a few more days. I REALLY don’t want him to miss the birth of our baby and the hospital can’t induce until next week once he’s gone. 🥺

Here’s what I’ve tried:



-Bouncing on a birthing ball (followed YouTube video exercises too)

-Red raspberry leaf tea for the past week

-Spicy food

-Nipple stimulation

-Midwives brew (my doc suggested it. No negative comments. It didn’t work anyways)

-Clary Sage Essential Oil massage

-Clary Sage Bath

-Long walks

-The Miles circuit


NOTHING has worked. And I know what you’re thinking: “be patient. Baby will come when baby is ready” I know that. This is baby #3. But the fact that hubby may not be here when she arrives has crushed my heart 🥺 so I’m just looking for a miracle at this point lol.