Transverse baby

Hi everyone

Wondering if anyone has any experience of baby being transverse? I’m 30+3 and was unaware this was an issue until

I saw a consultant yesterday. Within a minute of being there he told me that if baby hasn’t moved by 36 weeks then they will admit me until delivery which will be by c section at 39 weeks (already knew I was having a c section so no surprises there). The hard thing is that is 3 weeks in hospital pre delivery … plus extra time once the baby has been born and I have a 1 year old at home. I’m super anxious which I know isn’t helpful but I am really struggling with this as I don’t know how I would cope away from home that long. I of course want what is best for baby … I just wonder what other peoples experiences of this have been? Have your babies turned? I’ve ordered a yoga ball and doing light exercises which I’ve googled.