Freaking Out Over 3 Hr Glucose Test


Hey mamas!

I’m in a bit of a confusing situation with my glucose test screening. Quest Labs, who did the test, and my OBGYN office portal both sent me emails that I passed the 1 hr glucose screening because my number was 131 and it couldn’t be over 140.

Well, my doctor called me yesterday and said that SHE wants the number under 130 so my one point difference means I have to take the 3 hr fully fasting version this week 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️

What have been your experiences with the 3 hr? Do they draw blood once or multiple times? Foods to avoid to make sure I pass my extra strict doctor’s test this time haha? I’ve never had to do the 3 hr and I’m super nervous now! (And also annoyed that I have to take it after two “passing” emails 😂)

UPDATE: Passed the 3 hour with flying colors, but y’all were not kidding at how draining it can be. Those 4 blood draws on an empty stomach were no joke!