My little rainbow 🌈 🥰Any guesses on the gender based on ramzi theory ?


I'm 7w+5d. And was able to see baby growing bigger today. And In just one week it grew so much. I had gotten another ultrasound at 6w+2d due to previous miscarriage and doctors wanted to make sure everything was well. it was so surreal seeing it. It was moving a lot which no wonder why I have so much nausea like every day. I'm due April 8th and was just wondering what you guys think based on the Ramzi theory boy or girl? I have a feeling it's a boy just because of my symptoms but who knows. any guesses ? Can't wait to meet my little gummy bear.🧸 That's what the tech said it looked like and I'm still in disbelief I've made it this far. I'm so scared they tell me something is wrong but so far everything looks good this time . Tomorrow I'll mark the 8 weeks 🥰🤰👶👶👼🌈