Would this annoy you?

I’m a SAHM and the ONLY thing I ask my husband to do is to bathe the kids at night. I literally do 99.9% of everything else. All the housework. All the child rearing. All the cooking. All the appointments, logistics, groceries, etc. I let him just work and worry about work. He does have a demanding job.

He loves video games. He always starts playing after dinner late into the night. It is always a fight getting him off the game to bathe them. He will be like “oh my gosh just give me 10 more minutes”. I stand there and wait with them and he’s like “if you’re standing there doing nothing why don’t you just do it?” I’m like “because they’re not only my kids.” He gets pissy and does it and then gives them like a five minute bath tops. As quick as possible. They are 4 and 2 and always cry they don’t get to play in the bath longer.

Am I right to be fucking annoyed by this?

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