Period or pregnancy bleeding after missed period??


Hi ladies pls help me.

I usually have regular period but this month my period was 7 days late. On 6th and 7th day of missed period, i took hcg test and both resulted negative. Then, i got my period on the 8th day, the blood started with brown then now it's red and heavy. I took another test today and there was faint line within 5 mins so I'm not sure if the test is right or not. Could it be evaporation line? Mind to know that i had a mild to severe cramp since the first day of period until today (3rd day). I don't know and can't differentiate whether i'm currently pregnant, or having impantation bleeding, or maybe it's chemical pregnancy? I'm gonna retest in 2 days. Any thoughts?

P/s i'm sorry for the TMI but is it my period or pregnancy bleeding?

1st day of period:

2nd day of period: