Grandpa called us ‘BAD PARENTS’ for sending out child to school..


My first born started kindergarten last week! He seems to like it! Minus the loud toilet but that has been an issue for a few years now. Today grandpa overstepped with sharing his opinions..

So my son doesn’t turn 5 until a month and a half after school starts. I however made the choice to send him because he has struggled with speech and other things in the past and I felt it would be the best choice for him. Plus he was excited! I asked if grandma would take him to school next week one day because my baby has surgery. He proceeded to tell me that I shouldn’t have sent him in the first place, he’s too young. I expressed that I felt this was the best choice for him and I am his parent. I don’t care! You are being selfish and you’re just trying to get rid of him. You want to work more and now that you’re having another baby, you don’t want him around. He will be too small for sports and will be behind for the rest of his life. Telling us holding him back is not an option cause we will set him back. That it pisses him off. Told us we are bad parents and if we don’t want him around anymore than he can live there and they will raise him because clearly we don’t want him. This is far from the truth! They have helped us a lot over the years with watching him and his brother so I could work some shifts. Daycare hasn’t been an option for it is full until next year and my youngest has been on the waiting list for months. I have always done what is best for my children. I only work a few days a week. I’ve slept on the floor, chair, with them for years and I currently sleep in bed with my oldest because he likes to cuddle! I spent the second day of him starting school crying because I was afraid he wasn’t ready and I was being hard on him. He has been liking it! Once in awhile he gets in a grumpy mood and hates everything. But he comes home excited about school so I felt I’ve made the right choice for him. But threatening to take away my child because you think I want to get rid of him??? Telling me that I clearly shouldn’t be making the choices for him because my choices are wrong? My son should be the one making choices?? If that’s the case then he would eat pop cycles and pretzels for every meal. Never brush his teeth or shower. We live next to him in a house they let us live and they’re our main people for helping take care of the kids when we work. So I’m at a loss for words. I only ever let him go over there when we are home because he loves them. They give him a different type of attention and everything he wants because they’re grandparents. They have more time. They’re not as tired because they don’t work. I’m at a loss of words and I feel disrespected. Sorry for the long post. I’m just so angry.