Ovarian cyst

I was wondering if any of my pcos women ever have a cyst rupture? What was it like? The reason I ask is because I’ve had what I thought was my period since the 1st of this month. It was like my normal period at first and then got lighter as the days went. I’m used to having month(s) long periods so this is nothing new. But this last week the bleeding has gotten heavier and I’ve had a lot of pain and pressure on my right side sometimes to the point it’s making me nauseous. I’ve been googling (yes I know.. bad idea) but all of it keeps saying a ruptured cyst or the other c word. It’s never been this bad and was just wondering if I should be worried.

Any negative comments or ones telling me to go to the doctor, save it. I don’t want to hear it. I’m just asking for other women’s experiences with pcos and cyst. I know if the pain or bleeding get bad enough to take myself to the doctor. I’m not a child. Just looking for sisters with the same problems with a story to tell.

Thanks in advance.