I’ve never tested so early before?!?!


Ovulated somewhere around the 17th…. Tested the 25th fully expecting a negative. How I got a really faint positive. In person you could see it. Camera not so much. So the 26th I tested again, with cheapie $1 test at that, and seen I faint lime even on camera

Both of these from the 26th. Am and pm test. That’s 6-7 days before missed period 😮 on a cheapie! That’s crazy. I didn’t believe it so I got a first response and

Ya definitely a line. That’s crazy. So my SO works out of town Monday-Friday. Gets home really late Friday. So I waited until Saturday morning, the 27th, to take the Digital test for him to see

It was like 5am and dark out lol but it’s there clear as day. Still days before my missed period.

So my mom knows I’ve already naturally conceived twins about 9 years ago. Lost them around 14 weeks unfortunately. And she keeps going on and on about it being twins again and that’s why I’m testing so early on the cheapies.

I know enough about pregnancy, since this is number 5 and hopefully baby number 4, to know that there’s really no way to know until it’s seen on a scan. But I can’t help but wonder if maybe it is….. that would be crazy and scary and awesome all at the same time.