Baby keeps gagging on purpose


Daughter is 9 months and all of a sudden going through a gagging phase which is driving me mad. She's become more chatty recently and definitely more mobile, if she's not crawling, she's cruising or standing. I don't know if it's a case of boredom or wanting attention but she starts chattering away and then makes herself gag out of no where and so far on two occasions she's then made herself sick everywhere. Sometimes she's shoving her hand in her mouth and sometimes she just starts urging as she's babbling. Normally I manage to stop it by lightly blowing on her head so she gets distracted and stops but on those two occasions I wasn't able to. She's also been doing fake coughing for a few months now which was funny at first because we went along with it and kept taking turns but now it's turning into her over doing and making herself gag again. It doesn't seem to be after meals or bottles and she's on the same food and milk she's always been on so I don't think it's her belly that's upset I think she's just being a bit of a stinker as it's just random times in the day. Will it ever end and is there anything I should do/be concerned about?