34 weeks & contractions ?

Dajah • Baby Dre 💙91319. Boy Mom 😚

I woke up this morning feeling very off like my body itself is just completely exhausted like literally 🤦🏼‍♀️ I have no motivation no energy to do anything not even to get up and take care of my 2 year old thank god his dad is off work for the next 3 days😫 but then I started feeling this really strong but not that painful cramps and tightness and soo much pressure in my lower abdomen and my back and after a while I decided to start timing them since they wouldn’t stop I drank water and tried to stretch and get lots of pillows for support all over my body but still so much pressure it started to take my breathe away I can’t tell the difference between Braxton Hicks and actual contractions since this is baby #2 🙁 the nurse line is really busy said I’ll get a call back within a hour 🙄 I think it’s cause it’s there lunch time but geesh 🤦🏼‍♀️ I’m nervous and not really sure what to do 🙁 still feeling it as I’m typing this ‘ anyone with the same experience or advice ?? Do you think it’s Braxton Hicks or contractions ? 🙁