would you take a lower paying job ?

would you take a job that pays $2 less ? i started recently at a job and i really like what i’m doing, my only problems are 2 things, i haven’t received any training and i feel like i have to literally harass the trainer to help me, i’ve made a couple mistakes and have even told them what i need help with but they won’t help. it’s a lot of information and i only started a couple days ago and they just left me to fend for myself, which is usually fine as i’ve had similar experiences at other places but this is a job i had no experience with and was told i would receive 3 months of training but i haven’t even had a full days worth. also i was told i would get the 2pm-10pm shift but ended up getting stuck with the overnight shift which is exhausting because i have morning college classes. i got a job offer for somewhere else that starts off $2 less but i’m hesitant on taking it. i do really like what i’m doing now but just between the hours and constantly being stressed because i have no idea what i’m doing, idk if it’s in my best interest to stay or not.