Narcissistic mil showcased at babyshower

Had my baby shower about 3 weeks ago. It was a beautiful baby shower and good turn out. But lawwwwd did my mil make a scene and make it awkward.

I told my husband i didnt want parents saying a speech and to leave it to us to end the shower with our thank yous but he insisted. We had already told my fil and my mom to prepare something to say. From the corner of my eye i see my crazy axx mil walk up to the front and i was confused as to what she was doing. She was coming up to stand next to my fil for his speech. Okay, no problem as long as she keeps her mouth shut. My fil had a really nice loooong speech and then he got ready to leave but was pulled back by my mil. Oh gawd, here we go is what my husband and i were thinking. Preparing ourselves for a shit show. 5 words in and she started crying hysterically. Im talking about huffing and puffing and not being able to get a word in. My fil started patting her head like a little kid and telling her not to cry. Honestly, her crying was so ridiculous that my husband and i were trying our best to hold our laughs in because she literally does this every single damn time when she wants it to be about her.

Now yall may think we were being mean but my family and his family know exactly what shes like and she was being overdramatic because shes a narcissist. Her crying was so over the top that she started spitting and boogers flying everywhere. My husband lost it and let out a laugh. And this was in front of everyone so now some people may have thought my husband was being a jerk. Because of that i had to get up from my chair and comfort her axx infront of everyone to show face. Rubbing her back and shyt while my fil pat her head all the while thinking to myself "this woman got me faking up here too". Then my uncle also went up there and told her not to cry and started patting her head too. So now all 3 of us are up there consoling her smdh. I was done after that and sat back down. No way i was going to feed into her ego.

Now some of you might say maybe its because she was so happy about the baby and happy for us which is absolutely not true . She was crying because for 4 months straight she kept bombarding and harrassing me with questions regarding the baby shower. Basically trying to put her 2 cents in and control the baby shower after i have told her multiple times that i wasnt hosting it. My inlaws never pitched in money to help with anything and they also did not want to invite any of my aunties or relatives to the baby shower. This one time she had the audacity to put more of her 2 cents in, i was really fed up. My husband literally had to move her out of the room after he told her to stop her nonsense all the while she is talking over him. When our baby shower came, we had so much help. Our friends and family helped setup for 2 days and it came out so beauitful. and my mil was so shocked by it. It proved to her narcissistic axx that it really was taken care of. So thats why she was crying.

She is not an emotional or sensitive person and will only cry when the spotlight is on her. And She got exactly what she wanted. Which was that people would feel for her and believe she was a caring mil. She wanted the sympathy and being taken care of like a baby. I even had some friends who said she was going to make them cry. Her behavior was serioisly so ridiculous and embarassing. Next time she is strictly not allowed to say anything.