independent baby or something wrong?

My baby is 7 months old.

Physically she’s hitting all her milestones early, she was rolling both ways early, sitting up unaided early, she started crawling at 6 months, shes able to stand and pull herself up and looks like she’s going to be close to walking soon. She’s extremely alert and always wants to be on the move.

I’m worried because she doesn’t really make eye contact. I try taking to her and looking at her, singing with her and things and she hates it. She will try and roll away, wiggle out your grip, literally pushes your face away. She hates kisses, she hates being held and hates cuddles. She will literally scream and wiggle around until you put her down. She just wants to be on the floor and rolling / crawling around. She loves standing up so shes happy if your holding her up on her feet and walking her around, but if you stop or try to sit her down on you she wont have it. The only time i get a cuddle is just before bed time when she’s basically nearly asleep.

I see all these other babies that love to lay in their parents arms and are so affectionate and its making me really worry.

I have a big history of autism in my family so its making me really worried that something like that is going to be wrong with her. Anyone else have any experience with babies like this? Is she just fiercely independent or could there be something wrong?