Baby i’m so emotional i’m already to fight

i am having such a difficult time with my sons father. we have officially broken up. we are having a big problem co parenting and it’s depressing my son doesn’t see his father consistently and we live in the same state 10 minutes away. He also have another daughter in africa he visits every year now the new baby has arrived and he travels to see her as well. we fight because he won’t pick his son up on a decent day like friday or saturday he always call me once he’s off work at 12am in the morning saying i miss my son i wanna see him i will tell him no and he starts with i’m keeping him from his child and i only want my son for money i can’t use him every time i get mad that he travels. No i’m mad you think it’s okay to see a 2year old at 12am and drop him off that same morning because you have something to do. he verbal abuse me he look at our son as a handicap child because he was born with clubfeet He criticize everything his son does and as a mom it is so draining i just want my son to know he’s loved regardless of what his father thinks. We can’t talk because every time i bring it up he says no one can tell him when to see his son or take him to court i’ll be left to take care of my son myself