Is DNA needed to remove a curse?

So Im not going to write long ass lines Im going to cut it short. Yesterday I saw a Pyshic/Sidekick as nothing in my life has been going as planned and i honestly have a shit life. She told me I have a curse/spell on me which was done by my aunty that I havent seen in probably 9 years and I also have a ghost around me. She said to get rid of the spell I need to give her a string of my hair, a piece of clothing and a water glass. I also need to buy 3 candles so she can apparently do curse removal in my house 3 nights in a row with energy. Im honestly freaked out and confused dont they normally need all that stuff to do a curse? I didnt know they needed dna for removal? I dont wanna get myself into anymore bad situations Any advice? Is this how spell removal is done? My brain is fucked.

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