
Sabrina 🌈

With my first, in 2020, I was in labor for 36 hours. Eventually stopped progressing and daughters heart was in distress so I was rushed to a c section.

Fast forward to now, I really want to vbac but could not find a super vbac friendly doctor in my area. My doctor said she would let me try it, but I’d have to go into labor naturally and when she’s on call. No other doctors in her clinic or hospital are supportive of ANY VBACs.

I have a c section scheduled for 9/20, the last possible day, in hopes I’d go into labor sooner. Had my 37 week check up today and I’ve had no progress, I’m still 1.5cm dilated and 50% effaced. I’m feeling so hopeless. I’m miserable this pregnancy and can’t wait ti be done. I feel like I chose the last possible day for no reason now, if I even go to labor prior, I will just end up being rushed to a c section vs going for a scheduled one, so it seems more stressful. I feel like I made the wrong call…