How to respond to accidents


My worry being a parent with a son playing with other kids is starting to give me anixety. You know.... is my kid going to be mean? Will he grab toys kids from kids? I hope he doesn't push someone. Then I'm faced with a parent who could potentially not parent like I do.

We met up with our neighbors, who has the same age son. For weeks we've been hoping to exchange numbers with them for a playdate. My son isn't a strong walker, he's very active, his balance isn't strong, so he stumbles and falls here, there. He was following closely behind the neighbors kid fell forward and pulled him down. The father seemed distraught, I wasn't sure how to respond... But I also didn't correct my son on following too closely? They went inside before I said anything.

I cared but was still processing on how to go about the incident. Do I mention it next time? Will there even be a next time?

Am I totally overthinking this?