Born late


This is my second baby. My first was a boy and was born in March of 2020 at 36 weeks. This time we had a little girl, born July 02, 2022. Her due date was June 30 2022 and she was a surprise as we were on birth control and had only had sex once the month we conceived. I really thought she would be early as she was head down at 28 weeks and my son was early so I figured she would have to be as well since that's what I was always told. I was so impatient to meet her that when my due date came and passed I just deep cleaned the entire house I was so mad. And then I went grocery shopping and later on that evening I started having mild cramping. The next day I was cramping on and off as well but didnt think much of it as I thought she was gonna be stubborn and I'd have to be induced. They got worse at around 110 am so I called my mom and she told me to call my OB and take a nice warm shower. The OB told me to give it a bit and that it didnt sound like it was labor yet so I hopped in the shower, I was in about 10 minutes before the pain got so bad that I couldnt stand it. I thought I was having bad gas pains. I called the hospital closest to me and they said the same thing my OB said but I couldnt take it so I called the hospital 30 minutes away from me who told me to come in if i felt i might be in labor. We called my sister and her fiance who took 40 minutes to show up to take my son for the time being and my husband was panicking and fussing the entire time because he was so nervous. Once they came we rushed to the hospital and they got us up to the floor to get checked in. By the time I was in the room and dressed in the gown I was already at 7cm dialated. I had asked for pain meds a few times but they had to admit me and put the iv in my first. They asked a few questions, and then tried to put the I.V in but as soon as they did I started moving too much I couldnt sit still and i felt like i had to push. The urge was so strong that I couldnt stop, I started pushing. I asked to move to my hands and knees because I could NOT do it on my back. The head of the bed was raised so I was actually technically on my knees leaning forward into the bed. I had said multiple times that I couldn't do it I felt like I was dying and I really needed meds the nurses were like "you got this you can do it" 4 pushes and babygirl was out. Unmedicated and I was there less than 20 minutes. She was born at 441am weighing 7lbs 3oz and 21in tall. We named her Lucille Eulaila Dawn and she was / is 100% healthy. I am so proud of myself for doing it unmedicated as I had planned for the epidural and I did NOT want to do it without the meds because I didnt think I could. I felt so much better after this birth compared to that of my sons. I had no tears either and I was healed in 4 weeks or so. I couldnt have asked for a better birth experience. My mom didnt even have the chance to be there because it happened so fast she didnt get there in time, and it took months of convincing but my husband cut her cord (he has like a phobia or a bad fear of cord cutting he things he could somehow hurt the baby so his 4 other kids he didnt cut the cord).