


Due may 3 2023

Im so tired and dizzy 😵‍💫

But no morning sickness

What are you symptoms so far ladies?

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I’m due May 10th and I’ve been having bouts of nausea and my breasts are slightly tender. Also have been having some cramping through the day.


Sarah • Sep 5, 2022
Very cool!!!! Have you scheduled an ultrasound yet?


Mak • Sep 5, 2022
I guess everyone has different symptoms I checked hcg a week ago in 2 consecutive days and it was growing and since then been discouraged to check to not be worried So just been peeing on a stick hahah I feel more and more like myself, no bloating, no nausea Just thirst, tired, hungry but not THAT much anymore Very dull back ache maybe


TMR7998 • Sep 5, 2022
I am May 10 too!


Posted at
Due May 7, no nausea just crazy exhaustion and some lower back pain, a little reflux


Posted at
Due May 13. Food aversions to nearly everything. My boobs have been sore for 2 weeks, seems like that may be resolving, though. Slight waves of nausea. Morning sickness may have started this morning (or maybe I was just disgusted over something my kid was watching on YT, not really sure). My nose is really runny. Every now and then, my back hurts a little. Aaaand today I have a headache because I tossed and turned because I was hot all night.Honestly, this all feels really dramatic for someone who just found out she was pregnant yesterday 🤣


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Due May 2nd. Tiredness, moody, and more of a picky eater. I'm still nursing my 15 month old and read up nursing actually may help morning sickness. Always try not to worry before my first scan.