Dog left in car


So was at Walmart today and on my way out of the store I heard a dog barking. I unloaded my groceries and kids and got them in their car seats and waiting another 15 minutes.

The car with the dog in it had a slightly opened window but it wasn't running. The dog got quite after the 15 minutes. Made me worried it was hot. It was only about 75 today but my vehicle was hot and I had to turn the air on for the kids. I waited a while. Then I called Walmart they told me they couldn't do anything and call the police. I called my city's none emergency line. They sent over a community officer. I waited another five minutes and still no sign of the owner. Then left. The community officer waited with the dog and the car and never knew what happened from there.

I don't know if I overeated or justified in calling. So many other people in the crowded parking lot looked shook their head and didn't do anything.

Would you have called?