Plan B Period Changes SOS

I just need someone to tell me I’m ok or that I need to go get help. I recently like 3 weeks ago took plan b just for safety because the condom had gotten stuck inside of me and I just didn’t want any “what ifs” my period started a week after and my cycle is usually a week long. The problem is that I’m STILL bleeding. I know that plan b can cause me steal changes but what KIND of changes? Google hasn’t told me anything other than it’s a cause to get checked out if I’m bleeding for 10 days or longer. I’m trying to self sooth right now by just telling myself that the first week was maybe just the Plan B working and that this week is like my actual cycle linked up when the first cycle originally ended? I’ll know somethings seriously wrong if I continue this for another week making it 3 weeks of bleeding because that’s just not natural for me at this point. Please let me know your thoughts in a non alarming way, as I’m also in college away from home and getting to a doctors appointment may not be the most accessible unless I’m about to die.. Thank you!