Possible miscarriage?

Yasmin • Boy #1: 9/06/17 Boy #2: 6/14/23 Baby #3: EDD 12/27/24

Thursday I had some very mild cramps. Friday all day I was cramping a little worse. I was very worried but tried real hard not to overreact. Friday night at work (I work overnights) I had some light bleeding. I mean very light. It wasn’t on my underwear, but when I wiped it was pink. I panicked. I left work, without even talking to anyone, without clocking out, I just left. I called my boyfriend and had him meet me at the ER.

I have extremely irregular periods and my first pregnancy with my son was high risk. So I’ve been trying to get in to see a doc asap. I’m currently going through the VA for healthcare bc I have no insurance. I’ve been calling for weeks for my OB referral and they have been unbelievably slow. Anyway. Using the first day of my last cycle, I should’ve been 8 weeks along on Friday (or close to it).

They did blood tests and an ultrasound that I wasn’t even allowed to see. (So STILL have not gotten to see our baby at all.) My HCG levels were 3,900-something, a lot lower than it should be at even 7 weeks. The doc said the ultrasound showed no fetal activity and there was no heartbeat. The ultrasound tech, even though she was not supposed to say anything to me about the US, said I was measuring smaller and was not as far along as I thought I was. She later implied that I was measuring less than 6 weeks. The doctor did not confirm this or even mention baby’s size at all.

His official diagnosis was “possible miscarriage”. He wouldn’t even say it was a definite miscarriage. He says I have to follow up with an OB and have the tests and scans repeated. 😒

It’s been a long 3 days since my ER visit and of course today is Labor Day and the VA clinic is closed so I can’t even call til tomorrow to BEG for an emergency OB referral.

I’ve had no more bleeding but I’ve still been cramping off and on since that day, very mild. My bf and I are both completely devastated. We’d been trying for 9 months when we finally got our BFP after returning from a couples’ trip to Italy.

I’m wondering if anyone has experienced this or something similar and it turned out to be just fine? I’m really trying not to have false hope bc I feel the disappoint will be even bigger afterwards. But I also can’t make the math and dates add up to just be 6 weeks along… 😔