Spotting at 6 weeks



Is it normal to have a bit of spotting around 6 weeks? This is the first time I’ve had any spotting and it was just when I wiped after going to the bathroom. It was light red with no clots. This is an <a href="">IVF</a> pregnancy and I don’t go for my first ultrasound until the 13th. Should I contact my doctor? I put a panty liner on so that I can monitor if there is anymore

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I would contact your doctor just to be on the safe side.


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I would put a pantry liner on to be safe and monitor if/how much blood you lose and call your doctor just to be safe. They get these kind of calls all the time and they will be able to walk you through everything ❤️ just done stress as hard as it is


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I am on my second IVF pregnancy. They tell you bleeding and cramping in 1st tri is normal unless it’s filling up a pad an hour. Last time, I had three days of brown spotting about 5.5 weeks and then one time of bright red blood with extreme cramping. I was convinced that was it and the nurse said it was probably fine and I should rest. No more bleeding for the rest of the pregnancy and perfectly healthy baby. This time, I have had some brown tinged discharge about 5.5 weeks and I know it’s normal. My friend had a successful IVF pregnancy as well, and she spotted for the whole first trimester. It’s so stressful to see blood but for some reason it happens a lot with IVF. The nurse explained it that the body is confused because of all the artificial manipulation of hormones and cycle.


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I have bleed/spotted with all 3 of my pregnancies and went on to have perfect babies. Some people just spot. Especially after sex. It could be nothing! I always freaked out with worry every time but it was always fine.


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Having the same problem. Just a little bit of spotting every day. Light brown. My epau won’t see me until 7 weeks and I’m 5 +3. What did you dr say Courtney?


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I would contact your OBGYN. My spotting started out brown- then turned to bright red and then clots over the course of 3 days. I have a BETA re-check today- but they are sure I miscarried.