Task prioritising 🙃

C 🖤

I’ve written myself a list of jobs to do this evening and I’ve prioritised them in a way that seems like it would be most logical:

1. Put clothes in the washer

2. Put away dishes

3. Rinse dishes & load dishwasher

4. Hand wash non-dishwasher stuff

5. Put clothes in the dryer

6. Pick up toys/clothes/etc

7. Bins from rooms into main bin

8. Take out trash

9. Take out recycling

10. Wipe surfaces

11. Hoover & mop

I’ve looked at the list. I’ve made a mental note of the list. I’ve started doing the tasks. I’ve looked at the list again and checked things off... and..:

1. Put clothes in the washer

2. Put away dishes ✔️

3. Rinse dishes ✔️

3 1/2. Load dishwasher

4. Hand wash non-dishwasher stuff

5. Put clothes in the dryer

6. Pick up clothes ✔️

6 1/2. Pick up toys/etc

7. Bins from rooms into main bin ✔️

8. Take out trash

9. Take out recycling✔️

10. Wipe surfaces

11. Hoover & mop

12. Paint cupboard doors ✔️

13. Change bathroom lightbulb ✔️

14. Call mum ✔️

15. Renew passport online ✔️

16. Accidentally procrastinate for 30 minutes ✔️
