What do you guys think..?

Mary🤍✨ • Trying for our girl🤞🏻 Mom of 2 boys and a step son💙

Has anyone ever gotten a pink(not grey or indent) second line on a FRER test but had 2 negatives following? I’ve taken these tests for years and I know they have bad indents I’ve seen my fair share but this time I took one within the 3 minute time frame and seen a pink line pop up. I can see it clear without having to squint. I took it yesterday at 9dpo with a 3 hour urine hold and got the result. This morning I took the same test out of the same box with 2ish hour hold and I can’t see a second line, even with squinting. My AF isn’t for 3/4ish days and I’ve been having very light pink spotting and my boobs are killing me. My app has always been on point with my period after having my second kid so I’m not sure what’s exactly happening. I plan on taking another test in a few days is AF doesn’t show but I’m still curious has anyone delt with this? I’ll try and post pic of test but it’s been hard to get a picture clear enough. My camera quality is literal garbage.