TMI - stitch, sex while 36 weeks pregnant

Morgan🤰💗🥰 • 20// Baby number 1 after 1 miscarriage (miscarriage - 5 weeks 1 day)🤰

Yes, this may be TMI but you know what.. this app is for this kind of stuff at times!!

Soo.. me and my partner was having a moment tonight and it led into sexual intercourse.. I was on top and as 15 minutes went by and I ended up getting a stitch in my right side.. I’ve NEVER had anything like it before, I moaned as I was in pain and he then ended up cumming inside of me - which I don’t care about as I am 36 weeks pregnant 😂..

Butttt, I’ve been left with a sore right side and the stitch that’s killing me, I’ve only had it for around an hour & a half (1hr 30mins) but every time I breathe it hurts.

Is it normal to get a stitch after sex once your pregnant? Especially when your coming to the end of your pregnancy?..

Please let me know 😩

- if I’m still in pain in the morning I will be phoning my hospital but I’m waiting it out till then as I wouldn’t want to jump to conclusions and everything be okay!