Big baby drama with my doctor. Feedback?


I need some real and honest feedback on this topic.

I know I see it floating around often, but I’m genuinely unsure how to handle this situation.

Backstory - I have 4 children, all vaginal, and all induced besides one. 2 of them were 7lbs and 2 were 8lbs. My biggest was 8lbs 14oz.

Well now I’m having my last and final baby because I finally

Got my baby boy I’ve dreamed of! I have also had the same obgyn and I didn’t have a lot of knowledge with birth and induction etc… A part of me only would do the induction in the past because it was convenient and I was in pain and over it. But now I’m 30 and it’s my last baby and I’d love to have it happen natural but my dr has been a pain in my ass since 36 weeks so here is what’s going on.

For my 36 week ultrasound growth scan- baby supposedly weighed 7lbs 7oz. She totally flipped. She said I had “ polyhydramnios “ made me retake the gestational diabetes tests and a bunch of other blood work, so I did and I passed again. All my labs are outstanding and normal. Then, she starts mentioning he’s so big I won’t be able to push him out, sends me for weekly NST testing at the hospital, I keep passing, had me do another ultrasound at 37w 4D and he showed 8lbs 9oz and the fluid corrected itself and now she’s having me do 2 weekly Nst tests and wants to sweep my membranes Monday at 38w 3D along. But keeps making comments about how he’ll be so big maybe I should get a C-section and he’ll no…. Everyone tells me these growth scans are just estimates including the tech who did it. So Monday she wants to give me an induction date unless she feels she wants to push for a c section.

So my question is has anybody been through this? Is it normal for doctors to want to induce or have you have a C-section based off a growth scan? If I decide to decline both can I? How do I go about this? I’m nervous and I really wanted to go into labor naturally for once.. :(