I never thought that this would happen to me

In 2018 I found out I got pregnant unexpectedly. We already have 3 healthy children. When I was 18 weeks pregnant I found out her heart stopped beating. I was given the option of giving birth or D&C. I opted to give birth. I stayed with her for almost 24 hours after she was born. I never thought that I would have lost my baby in the 2nd term. I thought after 12 weeks I could breathe. My husband and I ttc’d for 1 year and got pregnant with our rainbow baby girl. She’s now 2. Then we unexpectedly got pregnant again last November. After 12 weeks… I didn’t breathe. Because I lost a baby at 18 weeks. Then at 15 weeks, we found out his heart stopped beating. I was given the option to start misoprostol and pass the baby at home but because of how far along I was I would more likely need D&C, or I can just get a D&C. I opted for D&C. Again I never thought I’d have a 2nd loss. Because after having 4 healthy pregnancies, it’s not likely for this to happen. Then both my husband and I TTC’d again, it only took us 4 months to get pregnant. With this pregnancy I started bleeding with pieces of clots, then it went to spotting. I’m supposed to be 9+4 weeks today. But no, today I’m taking misoprostol because my sac measured at 5 weeks and there’s no baby. Again…. I never thought that this would happen to me.