IUGR Induction 😩🀞🏻

Dajah β€’ Baby Dre πŸ’™91319. Boy Mom 😚

Scheduled To Be Induced September 28th 😩 My Original Due Date Is October 12th But Due To Baby Continuing To Be Under The 10th & 20th Percentile I Was Diagnosed With IUGR First Time Learning About This Literally & Worrieddd 😭 Happy They Are Inducing Tho As I Feel He Will D Better On The Outside World Then Inside Obviously My Body Isn’t Doing What It Should Anymore πŸ₯ΊπŸ’™ My Other Son Was 6Pounds 4oz Born At 37 Weeks Very Healthy Went Home The Next Day πŸ™ƒ β€˜ I Would Like To Hear Any Stories About Being Diagnosed With IUGR Or Their Experiences?😩 How Did Everything Go ? I’m So Nervous 😩