My preschooler telling me about his teacher


My 4 year old started school this year and I’ve noticed a change in his confidence. He had summer camp with his teacher and they got along great. I work at the same school but with upper grades. His teacher is in his early 20’s, and has a degree in psychology. He isn’t a certified teacher and this is his first year teaching. Twice he has asked me to come in to talk to my son about his behavior. The last time his teacher told me that he has been the “trouble maker” that he copies the other kids bad habits and doesn’t always do what he’s asked to do. He didn’t say he instigates but copies. Later that day I went to observe his recess and he was just playing as a kid while other kids were hitting each other with their hands, bats, and sticks.

The next day the TA sent me a long email reassuring me that my son isn’t a trouble maker. He does copy some habits like not staying always staying in line or walking ahead a little and that of course he’s going to copy something that looks fun. That he’s a wonderful loving kid. This reassured me so much but pissed me off even more about his teacher.

This week his teacher came back from quarantine and I noticed a change in my sons behavior. I always tell him how thankful I am for how he’s so helpful and kind. This week after I’d say that he’s say “no I’m not” and his bad dreams came back. They went away when his teacher was out.

Today he was telling me his teacher has been keeping him and another kid in during recess which is illegal, and that he makes him feel like a bad kid. That other kids are naughtier but he gets in trouble. I asked him if he felt safe with his teacher and he said no. He did say he felt like a good kid and safe with the TA.

I’m documenting everything and will be presenting it to admin next week. I’m also looking into other schools.