How should modern nations deal with a colonial legacy of looting?


This question arises, particularly as India, Pakistan and Afghanistan have been asking for the return of the The Koh-i-Noor diamond now that Queen Elizabeth is gone.

It’s well-known that wealth of the British monarchy is built on slavery and stolen riches from numerous nations that were plundered. They however, are not alone in this practice. Many powerful nations share this historical shame, establishing white supremacy as a world order and taking ownership of land and wealth that they were not entitled to take.

The point has come, where we no longer need to simply acknowledge the destruction the monarchy and its white supremacy has brought to the world - but now begin actions to dismantle it. So how do we do it? The Koh-i-Noor diamond is in particular dispute on its ownership, as at one point, all 3 nations stake a claim to it before Britain forced an Indian child-king to turn it over in a treaty. What should the process be to return what was pillaged to the rightful owners? What is the standard to follow with highly disputed claims?