So many questions


So I have pcos I usually get a period every month only difference is how long they last usually it’s two weeks sometimes it’s two months sometimes it’s 5 months but I rarely go without one. In September of 2022 I had a period that lasted about a week then some weird light dark brownish spotting for a week and then in October I found out I was pregnant. The first week of December I had a miscarriage. The week before my miscarriage in my ultrasound I had a corpus leteum in my left ovary that was 20mm which I was told was normal I’ve never had that before they said it was due to pregnancy. So that’s just some background. Now my curiosity is in august my period started august 1st and lasted til the 15th maybe around august 21st I started having some cramping thinking I was going to get my period cause I tend to get it twice in one month I didn’t but the next day I had weird brownish light spotting again that only lasted for two days … since august 25th I have been extremely tired I literally fall asleep at work I have been super hungry nipples super sensitive and some occasional cramping . Today I went for a ultrasound because I am due to have a hysteroscopy the 19th and I have a 15mm cyst again in the left ovary and I not had a period. All pregnancy test seem either negative or imagination positive of a faint line. I am wondering if anyone experienced the same things? And maybe ended up pregnant? Should I request a hcg blood test before the 19th just in case ?