Nurse might have told me the sex of the baby 😕


I had my 28 week appointment yesterday. The nurse that started my appointment seemed new; I’ve never seen her there before and she just seemed pretty unsure of herself based on a couple things she said and did. For example, she grabbed one blood pressure cuff, started taking my blood pressure, then said “oh wait, I’m not supposed to use this one,” then went and grabbed a different one. Well, I wanted the sex to be a surprise this pregnancy, and one of the questions she asked me was “Do you have any concerns about her?” I’m assuming my chart she was looking at would say the sex on it? So now I’m just wondering, how likely do you think it is she picked a random pronoun and said “her” without knowing, or since she’s new she probably just screwed up? I’ve thought it was a girl the whole time anyway, and from what I didn’t see on the ultrasound it made me think that even more. So if it turns out to be a boy it will be the shock of the century, lol.