TTC advice


My husband (28) and I (26) have been trying since August 2021. We fell pregnant in September 2021 which unfortunately led to a missed miscarriage and a D&C November 3 2021. We have been trying ever since and had a chemical last month (August 2022). I have had all my blood work done and everything has come back unremarkable, my husband has a 1 % morphology on his sperm test back in July which the doctors weren’t too concerned with has all his other numbers were perfect. I’m booked in for “exploration” surgery October 11 with our fertility specialist, I’m assuming to make sure everything is perfect before they do <a href="">iui</a> or any other procedures. I track ovulation each month with opks but not bbt as I don’t wake up the same time each day. I get acupuncture every week. We’ve been using conceive plus during our fertile window. So we basically have one more month to try naturally before the surgery and other options. Does anyone have any tips, recommendations, etc on this whole Ttc thing?

Cause honestly the whole don’t stress, just get drunk, you’re thinking too much about it thing doesn’t really work for me and we tried taking a break and not trying back in May.

Sorry for the novel! Just hubby and I are both at a bit of a loss and would just love any tips what worked for you y’all or anything really 🥺🤍