Fast Natural Birth


I was scheduled to be induced 9/4 but baby girl decided to do things her own way lol. On Saturday morning 9/3 I woke up like I usually do around 6:15am I felt I few contractions and thought nothing of it, by 6:30am they were back to back but nothing too bad(I got high pain tolerance). I took a shower and my husband and I headed to the hospital, we got to the hospital around 7:40am had to get checked in. They were trying to check me but I wasn’t having it, the contractions were too close together to lay back for them to check but I finally was able to lay back and they said my bag was bulging and I was fully dilated. They moved me to the delivery room, no time for anything🥴 Baby girl was born at 8:45am 6lbs 14oz! It was fast but a beautiful experience 💕