

UPDATE 9/21:

Had some blood tests done today and right now I appear to be 4-5 weeks pregnant?!?! My doctor is having me go back for another round in 2 days to see if my HCG levels increase or not since there has been a lot of bleeding.

Hi everyone!

So I had what I assumed to be my period last week. It ended three days ago. It had been 5 days late (I took a test and it was negative) and lighter than usual but I thought nothing of it. Last night I started spotting a little and was still spotting this morning.

Something in me told me to take a test. The top test is from this morning. The lower test is one I took this afternoon after I got home from work.

They are obviously positive but I’m so confused because I had my period last week.

I called my gyno to set up an appointment because of this but am waiting on a callback.

Has this happened to anyone else?